Monday, February 7, 2011

Where the project is at...

So after talking with Jere DeWaters about my project, we both came to the conclusion that with all the snow we've gotten so far and how it doesn't seem to want to end, it'd be in my best interest to move the photo shoot inside. As sad as I am to let go of the woods idea it's for the best and I'm pretty excited to see if my new location will lend itself just as well to my fairytale.

My new location is a high school and/or grade school (depending on if the principals have any issues or not) I'm taking the idea to a more modern one of the girl being trapped in the school (rather than the woods) and developing the fairytale drama/adventure in a school setting. These are a few photos of the high school I'll most likely be working in.

This is the current dress...I'm not completely sold on it. I'm still out looking but since this is Maine and not prom season I'm having a hard time finding what I want. If I can't find it I'll go with this.

 And this is my model, Jessica. Current high schooler a.k.a. perfect for playing one

Sadly, our schedules have not lined up right to have had our first shoot yet, but I'm pretty sure (weather permitting) it will happen this coming weekend.


  1. Bummer about not being able to do it outside!
    Just a thought - when I think of being trapped in a highschool, it makes me think of social situations, like the cliques that are in school, and the students that really struggle and feel trapped in it all. I know that this is not your direction, but I thought I'd mention it incase you wanted to devise a way to steer clear of this idea, or move closer to it.

  2. Wow, your change of venue certainly puts a different twist on your idea, but I think it has great potential. I especially like the stairwell image and the one with the lockers on the right, both for their visual interest and for how they might relate to your concept. Good luck getting a place you can access freely, and coordinating time with your model. I hope your shooting goes well!
